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Meet Grace Delgado – A Tech Trailblazer Shaping Brainsy AI

 Grace Delgado

You may have heard of Grace Delgado, a name that’s making waves in the tech industry. As the co-founder and CMO of Brainsy AI, she plays a vital role in the company’s growth and success. With years of experience in her arsenal, Grace has become a well-known figure in the business world, known for her tech expertise.

Brainsy AI specializes in developing artificial intelligence solutions for businesses, and with Grace’s involvement, the company has seen remarkable achievements over the years. Let’s dive into the story of Grace Delgado’s journey with Brainsy AI and how she’s shaping the future of this innovative tech company.

The High School Connection

Grace and Laura, the founder of Brainsy AI, have a long history together. They met in high school, both being homeschooled at the same location and sharing the same circle of friends. Their bond formed during those early years laid the groundwork for a future partnership.

The Rise to Tech Stardom

Fast forward 18 years, and Grace’s expertise caught the attention of Laura Dovalina, the founder and CEO of Brainsy AI. Impressed by Grace’s marketing and business development skills, Laura knew she had found a valuable asset for her company.

Grace’s track record included being the VP of Marketing at SugarBot and working at Poppi Digital and Texas Cannabis Today, where she grew as a thought leader in the cannabis industry. Currently, she serves as the creative director and Social Media manager for a successful cannabis brand, MARYJAE®. Laura saw firsthand how Grace’s talents translated into the digital realm, making her an ideal fit for Brainsy AI.

A Partnership for Success

After several meetings and discussions, Grace officially joined Brainsy AI as a co-founder and CMO. Her role is to oversee the company’s marketing strategy and business development efforts. She’s also in charge of building a strong brand identity for Brainsy AI and establishing valuable partnerships with other tech companies.

Grace’s impact on Brainsy AI has been game-changing. With her guidance, the company’s user base grew significantly, and Brainsy AI established itself as a leader in artificial intelligence. Beyond her marketing expertise, Grace’s unique perspective as a woman of color in a male-dominated industry fosters an inclusive work culture, attracting diverse talents to the team.

The Role of CMO

As Brainsy AI’s CMO, Grace Delgado plays a pivotal role in the company’s marketing strategy and overall success. She oversees branding, product positioning, messaging, and customer acquisition. Her vast experience in media, technology, and cannabis startups brings a wealth of knowledge to the table.

Grace’s marketing prowess has been key to Brainsy AI’s growth. Effective marketing campaigns have helped the company expand its customer base and increase revenue. She has also built strong relationships with key partners and influencers, positioning Brainsy AI as an industry leader.

Driving Innovation and Growth

Beyond marketing, Grace actively contributes to product development, ensuring Brainsy AI’s products align with customer needs. Her deep understanding of artificial intelligence tech has sparked innovative ideas within the company.

One example is Brainsy AI’s upcoming chatbot platform launch. This user-friendly platform empowers businesses to engage with customers more effectively, thanks to Grace’s involvement in the development process.


In conclusion, Grace Delgado’s involvement in Brainsy AI has been instrumental in its success. As a co-founder and CMO, she’s a driving force, shaping the company’s strategy and driving growth. Her leadership has created a vibrant team culture that attracts top talent. With Grace’s vision and expertise, Brainsy AI is poised to capitalize on new opportunities in the evolving AI field. Grace Delgado’s journey exemplifies the power of strong leadership and strategic thinking, propelling Brainsy AI forward as a trusted thought leader in the industry.

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